Home Forums CAS Exams Spring 2021 Exam 6 Reply To: Spring 2021 Exam 6


    I doubt I’ll be sitting for Exam 6 in Spring 2021, I’m looking at the Fall 2021 sitting instead.  I’ve taken Exam 5 for the 7th time and don’t know at this point if they will finally pass me.  However I’ve been told that Battle Acts was good and Infinite Actuary was okay by my co-worker.  I’m waiting to see my Exam 5 results first of course whenever they come out.  I do wish Bedford would have Exam 6 seminar ready because I enjoyed using for Exam 5.  Do you guys suggest Battle Acts?  I plan to use my reimbursement to purchase the Exam 6 study seminar whichever one I choose one I know my Exam 5 results, hopefully a pass this time.