Forum Replies Created
I believe it includes both core and advance. The exam material is separated into five sections. You’ll have to check on SOA’S website for recommend order of exams.
Yes, it is! It’s $150 for everything- the manual, lists, practice problem set and note cards.
I get 31% on training set and 37% for the test set…still not close to 25%. I feel like I am still missing something here
GLM (from Task 7, excluding PC1)
Statistic on Training set: 1.5569789
Statistic on Test set: 1.445401GLM, intercept model only
(Task 12 code in the rmd file solution)
Statistic on Training set:2.053229
Statistic on Test set:2.011089Meh! The exams are long. Little concerned about finishing it on time. Question on June 16, 2020 model solution: In the executive summary the solutions states “When this approach is compared to the recommended model on unseen data reserved for performance measurement, the predictions from the recommended model lead to 25% reduction in error”. Where is the 25% coming from?
In WA, there is 25% capacity limit for business to hold training and testing if it cannot be done remotely. Tried calling SOA and Prometric today and no helpful responses. Anyone know if December exam will be postponed into January given that whole country is in worse situation with COVID-19 compared to March this year.