Hello AO,
I have started on my studies for November ERM exam, reading through the two books on Financial ERM and ‘Value At Risk’ right now.
My plan is like this:
June – Work through these two textbooks and the study notes that the SOA’s given, around now I’ll start to get an idea of which extension I’d want to take.
July – Reviewing any theory, formulas, and stuff I need to just plain memorize just so I’m fluent with these three by the end of the month.
August – October – Past exam attempting over weekends and continual review of the material.
Is this sensible? I’d rather overkill on this than underprepare.
I am currently assuming that I will only have these two resources, the various study notes and documents present in the SOA syllabus for this exam, and all past exams, to prepare for this exam. Are these enough to prepare for this? Ideally I would want to purchase PAK or TIA, but I’m not sure if my study policy covers either.
Also, is one extension recommended over another? I believe the ERM exam counts towards my FSA regardless of the extension?