Home Forums General Actuarial Four BASIC programs for life contingencies

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  • #6964
    Richard Purvey

      BASIC Programs For Four Of The Standard Algorithmic Calculations Currently Included In The Actuarial Life Contingencies Syllabus


      In each case, make the first line of the program:


      10 DEF FNS(U)=whatever the survival function, S(U), is.


      For example, for a Makeham with A equal to 0.00022, B equal to 2.7*10^(-6) and c equal to 1.124, make the first line of the program:


      10 DEF FNS(U)=EXP(-0.00022*U-2.7*10^(-6)*(1.124^U-1)/LN(1.124))


      And then;


      If you want the program to calculate an n-year temporary curtate life expectancy for (x) when executed then add on the following:


      20 INPUT x,n


      30 ANSWER=0


      40 FOR r=1 TO n


      50 ANSWER=ANSWER+FNS(x+r)


      60 NEXT r






      90 END


      Or if you want the program to calculate the actuarial present value of an n-year temporary immediate life annuity, with a discount factor of v, of 1 per year payable m times per year for (x) (m may be equal to 1) when executed then add on the following:


      20 INPUT x,n,m,v


      30 ANSWER=0


      40 FOR r=1 TO m*n


      50 ANSWER=ANSWER+v^(r/m)*FNS(x+r/m)


      60 NEXT r


      70 ANSWER=ANSWER/(m*FNS(x))




      90 END


      Or if you want the program to calculate the actuarial present value of an n-year temporary life annuity due, with a discount factor of v, of 1 per year payable m times per year for (x) (m may be equal to 1) when executed then add on the following:


      20 INPUT x,n,m,v


      30 ANSWER=0


      40 FOR r=0 TO m*n-1


      50 ANSWER=ANSWER+v^(r/m)*FNS(x+r/m)


      60 NEXT r


      70 ANSWER=ANSWER/(m*FNS(x))




      90 END


      Or if you want the program to calculate the actuarial present value of a death benefit, with a discount factor of v, of 1 payable at the end of the 1/m year of death for (x) (m may be equal to 1), provided this occurs within n years, when executed then add on the following:


      20 INPUT x,n,m,v


      30 ANSWER=0


      40 FOR r=0 TO m*n-1


      50 ANSWER=ANSWER+v^(r/m)*FNS(x+r/m)


      60 NEXT r


      70 ANSWER=ANSWER/(m*FNS(x))


      80 ANSWER=1-v^n*FNS(x+n)/FNS(x)-m*(1-v^(1/m))*ANSWER




      100 END



      I have written the above programs in BBC BASIC which is very similar to the more commonly used VB.

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