I agree. Each point takes about one page with tables included.
For project1, how do you allocate employee payroll contributions?
I think I should consider the salary factors.
Is it allowed to adjust contribution based on age/gender factors? I remember gender is not allowed in some insurance pricing, but age and area factors are.
This is a self insured plan, not considered as insurance, so I think I can adjust for age/gender in EE contribution, right?
How are you using the age/gender factors? If you apply the manual rate adjustment to the experience by area, aren’t you already accounting for the differences in age and gender?
What I am doing is that I started with current plan designs; I explained some of the key issues in the design.
We are given some of the manual rates; the current plan is PPO1 ( based on the cost sharing) and EPO1. The experience under PPO is 701 but under the EPO is lower than manual rate.
just want to check project 2 Task 1… How much you got under Cap and FFS PMPM? Because it is below incurred claim 400 PMPM? In the group they compared PMPY under cap with trended PMPM to find PMPM break even