Dear Exam P Candidates:
We at ActuaryExamTutor are offering The Exam P 5-Week Bootcamp starting Saturday, October 5th. Led by Noura Shamseddine, FSA and Exam P specialist, this intensive live exam preparation program provides multiple group and individual program features to significantly elevate students Exam P problem solving skills and Exam P syllabus understanding to place them in the strongest position to pass Exam P during the November 2024 sitting.
Features of The Exam P 5-Week Bootcamp
1. Weekly 2-hour live lectures integrating syllabus concept building with significant focus on students mastering their Exam P problem solving skills
2. Open Forum following each lecture for students to ask questions to Noura Shamseddine
3. Weekly Online Office Hours with Ms. Shamseddine
4. Mini-Sessions in which students can schedule private sessions with Ms. Shamseddine
5. Q & A Email Correspondence in which students can email Ms. Shamseddine questions
6. The Exam P Discussion Group open only to program members to communicate with fellow students and Ms. Shamseddine
7. All lectures are recorded and available for students
We have held The Exam P 5-Week Bootcamp numerous times over the 2 decades of our existence and the program has been very instrumental in leading students to passing their exams. The program will complement your self-study and advance your exam skills well beyond what is attainable from solely using self-study resources.
Please click the link below for more details of The Exam P 5-Week Bootcamp and to Register