Home Forums Life Looking for Help in Modeling an Equity Linked Life Policy

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Rahul Shah.
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  • #24264
    Rahul Shah

      Hi! I’m Rahul, and I’m working on a start-up which would bring financial freedom to people by creating an IRA alternative (with age minimum penalties) using variable universal life insurance as a chassis. You can think of the product on the front-end as Robinhood without taxes, while behind the scenes it’d be a life insurance policy. The monthly premium payments would be thought of as a subscription and using the separate account to choose your own portfolio would be the main differentiator of the app.

      I’m posting because I’m looking for an actuary with experience in the life insurance space to help me bring this product to life. As a software engineer, I’m not the most familiar with risk modeling, and I need some help with modeling out how this specific policy would react based upon different performances of the separate account. It seems that there isn’t any NAIC/state regulation preventing this product from being a reality.

      The perfect actuary would be someone that has experience modeling a variety of equity-linked policies and is more aware of the inner workings of how a life insurance company prices these products, especially as they’re typically the ones that insurers know are a bad deal for the policyholder. Experience with filing products in states and continuously tweaking a product based on its past performance is also needed. They would also preferably have a great interest in helping others manage their finances more effectively.

      At the beginning, I would only expect for someone to contribute some of their time outside of their 9-5 until we developed a product that we could pitch to investors and other life insurance companies (to use their license). I am offering a generous equity package as well as looking for this person to be the chief insurance officer at the beginning of the company’s existence.

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