Home Forums CAS Exams Syllabus of Basic Education – New Document on CAS Site

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  • #2044

      This appears to be some new information posted today within the captioned document regarding TBE:

      Scoring Verification Request
      A scoring verification request requires a small fee and will initiate a review and a response.
      A scoring verification request is a formal candidate request for verification that the candidate’s responses
      were accurately collected. Scoring verification requests trigger a formal review and response by the CAS.
      The CAS has an internal quality assurance process to ensure candidate scores are reported correctly.
      Pearson’s scoring methods are highly reliable and accurate. Rarely does a scoring verification on multiple-
      choice tests or constructed-response exams result in a score change.
      Candidates can request a scoring verification check to ensure that their scores were transferred and
      reported correctly. It is important to note that the verification of constructed-response scores does not
      include re-reading or re-grading candidate responses.
      The scoring verification request must be submitted on the Scoring Verification Request Form within 10
      business days of the release of the exam results, and the completed form must be accompanied by a $50
      fee. Candidates within the Fee Discount Program can apply for a waiver of the fee by checking the
      appropriate box on the form. The verification fee does not entitle candidates to a copy of the test items,
      responses, additional grading details, or answer keys.
      A CAS representative will acknowledge receipt within 3 business days. Candidates will be notified of the
      outcome, or a reason for further delay of the outcome, within 30 days of the submission date. If a change
      in the score results, candidates will receive a corrected score report and verification fees will be reimbursed.


        I don’t understand what that means.  What are they verifying for $50?


          <p style=”text-align: left;”>Really not sure what they’re getting at. I was going to say that maybe it had something to do with your responses not being captured in the technology-based exam but given that this does not include regrading, it sounds like it’s to check whether your actual graded response was correctly translated to the score you actually got. Still not sure exactly why this would be a bigger risk than before.</p>

          Ecc 12 12

            I agree.  It is not clear at all what it is that the CAS will “verify” for $50.

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