I’ve just successfully completed my 2nd actuary exam and I’m in the process of applying for jobs (I have some past experience working for some insurance companies that I am hoping will help). While applying, I am also looking to improve my technical skills to help me stand out just a bit more. I am quite experienced with excel, took an introductory course on Python awhile back and used R in a lot of my math courses but don’t really have much experience with VBA, Access, SQL. Are there any good places that offer relevant knowledge on these topics, specifically VBA that I can take and maybe highlight on my resume. Im ok with spending some money if the site is recognized and gives good lessons.
I’ve also read that excel based projects can be very helpful and attractive for employers. Any good places to search that up and what the general process is.
Honestly tips at all for a new actuary candidate to help me get recognized would be amazing!