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  • in reply to: 2022 FAC / FSA Schedule #9271

      Don’t have an answer, but I’m in the same situation and would appreciate if someone could provide further insight.

      in reply to: DMAC #7263

        Virtual should be fine, as I did virtual attestations for (both) submissions of my FA.

        in reply to: Fall 2021 ILA-LFM #7262

          Yeah, I feel similar to Bears Fan Dave. There was no question on the exam that I drew a blank on, which is encouraging as that seemed to happen at least once during all the practice exams I took. However, there were quite a few critique questions that seemed to nitpick minor details, which I’m hoping I either got correct from context clues or that those will be graded on some sort of curve. There were also a few questions that seemed to test the general understanding of a concept rather than a formula/list regurgitation. I think these went pretty well, but cannot say for certain.

          in reply to: Fall 2021 ILA-LFM #7218

            Haha, sorry I can’t provide more help. I’ll make sure to post any IFRS questions I have though.

            in reply to: Fall 2021 ILA-LFM #7209

              Quang, are you taking LFM-C? I really hope so because I’m taking LFM-U and this seems foreign to me (literally and figuratively)

              in reply to: Fall 2021 ILA-LFM #7186

                Took the Spring 2021 exam this weekend and self-graded at a 5… it seems like the SOA has emphasized more of a qualitative understanding of the material over the past few sittings. Because of this, I think I’m going to flashcard to death over the next week and try to retain everything I can. How is everyone doing with a week to go?

                in reply to: Fall 2021 ILA-LFM #6976

                  How are we doing? I’m getting through the last bit of flashcards and am starting some practice problems. Are things sticking, and does anyone have any general advice for how to attack this?

                  in reply to: Fall 2021 ILA-LFM #6192

                    I’ve started to go through a second time and just began going through flash cards. Knock on wood, but I’ve felt like the flash cards have been pretty reasonable despite not seeing the material for over a month. I at least am enjoying the flash cards more than I did for LPM, which just seemed like list after list.

                    in reply to: Fall 2021 ILA-LFM #5849

                      Hey everyone, I’m also using TIA. I felt the same way during my first pass, now going through it again a second time and hoping some things start to click. My plan is to start getting more serious in September and then really clamping down in October. I need to remember I also didn’t know what I was doing at this point in my LPM studying, because it’s easy to get lost with so much material.

                      in reply to: Spring 2021 ILA-LPM Thread #5088

                        I haven’t been to this thread in a while, but I’ve just have been at peace with the exam I submitted. I know there were some points I missed, but since I answered most of the exam, I think my chances are decent at worst. From past exam waiting periods, I always feel worse weeks after taking the exam than I did leaving the testing center. It sounds like you’re in a similar boat, so I think your chances of passing are pretty good!

                        in reply to: Spring 2021 ILA-LPM Thread #4876

                          I only used TIA so take this with a grain of salt, but I thought their instructional videos, forums, and flashcards were sufficient in preparing me for the exam. I felt much better than I anticipated leaving the exam and don’t regret skipping over the source material.

                          in reply to: Spring 2021 ILA-LPM Thread #4282

                            Similar to what has been said, I thought it was pretty fair and I was prepared for a few of the questions they asked based on the TIA historical list. Time wasn’t a huge issue as I put something down for each question, and I didn’t feel clueless about any individual problem. I’m hoping that puts me over the pass mark, but I don’t have a great idea as this was my first FSA exam attempt.

                            in reply to: Spring 2021 ILA-LPM Thread #3405

                              I am using TIA and will be using Anki to go over TIA’s flashcards.

                              in reply to: Spring 2021 ILA-LPM Thread #3219

                                I agree, it’s unfortunate that the response rate is lower than before. I’ve been going through TIA’s videos and have been writing notes from the lessons. I’m hoping to be done with those by March and will use the next month to try to memorize all the flashcards. Then April/May will be used to do practice problems and continue going through flashcards. How are you planning on studying?

                                in reply to: Any FAP google groups between 19 and 23 Jan? #2047

                                  Could I be added to the group?



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