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  • in reply to: Results Release Date #3033

      Spoke too soon regarding what?

      in reply to: Update on Exam Results #2809

        Existence is pain.

        in reply to: Update on Exam Results #2803

          Everyone I click refresh on My Exams, I get a jolt of anxiety. This sums up exactly how I feel about this sitting and this sitting’s results process:

          in reply to: Results Release Date #1931

            That would make sense, though I wonder what’s causing the delay at this point, since early February will be over the typical 1.5 months from the end of the testing period, that it’s taken to grade exams and release results.

            in reply to: Results Release Date #1922

              I wonder how much Lori FleshLightFoot forcing the closure of exam centers in Chicago delayed results for all of us.

              in reply to: CAS Leadership and the Failure of 2020 Exams #1430

                I’m assuming the higher fee is due to testing being done at Pearson.

                in reply to: Fall 2020 CAS Exam 9 Progress Thread #1302

                  Source material (which was more readable than 7/8), TIA (decent), Rising Fellow/Casual Fellow Cookbook+Problem Pack.

                  I wouldn’t recommend any of those alone, but together they made a good combination.

                  in reply to: CAS Leadership and the Failure of 2020 Exams #1230

                    For this sitting, the tests are the same for everyone. I think moving forward, they’ll have question banks.

                    That’s true in terms of still being able to look at flashcards in a Pearson bathroom, but I do think it would be harder for candidates to do at Pearson than at home.

                    Also apparently “cheating” is a politically incorrect term, so I apologize if anyone was offended by my use of the term in a prior post. Moving forward, I’ll be sure to call it “undocumented studying.” :/

                    in reply to: CAS Leadership and the Failure of 2020 Exams #1217

                      Just so I understand what you’re saying correctly, do you mean that it wouldn’t be significantly beneficial for a candidate to have notes on the RBC formula for exam 6, the ODP bootstrapping process for 7, or the formula for the Meyers-Reid method of capital allocation for exam 9, stashed on a formula sheet in another room?

                      The sitting I passed exam 7, I lost points on a question because I got Siewert and Sahasrabudhe mixed up. That’s something that a candidate wouldn’t get mixed up if they had flashcards stashed away. That’s why I don’t think it’s fair to have some candidates take their exams at Pearson, while others take their exams at home.

                      In terms of people telling coworkers what’s on the exam, I think it’ll be better in future sittings if and when they have a problem bank, since lower levels seem to do fine with avoiding significant cheating, but for now…hopefully the CAS looks has something built into the exam to give a sense of who may have cheated, or at what scores people who took the exam on the first day got, compared to those who took it on the last day, but there doesn’t seem to be anything airtight that they can do.

                      That being said, I still think they should do what they can to at least try to keep testing conditions as comparable as possible for all candidates.

                      in reply to: CAS Leadership and the Failure of 2020 Exams #1201

                        For those of us who already took the exam, how do you think they should make it so we have the online exams rather than taking exams at the Pearson testing facility? Personally I’d have loved to have taken my exam online, in the comfort of my own home, rather than at the Pearson testing facility. If some people are allowed to take it online/at home, that’s giving them an unfair advantage.

                        Also, if exams are administered online, what prevents someone from stashing their flashcards in a bathroom cabinet, and going to look at them during a quick bathroom break?

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