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  • in reply to: Result release date Spring 2021 #5105

      When you pass you don’t get a grade report with the ranges.

      in reply to: Spring 2021 Exam 7 #4156

        “It also doesn’t help when you can’t copy formulas from formula window to formula window.”

        I didn’t realize this until I was taking the exam this sitting which was really annoying.  Also, I know they say you don’t need to format stuff, but I still make a point to format numbers with commas or as percents.  Otherwise I really can’t comprehend if something looks reasonable or not (or if I made a really dumb formula error!).

        in reply to: Technical Difficulties #4154

          I hope for your sake it does – while the technical issues are out of the CASs’ hands, it still is incredibly frustrating to have to deal with when you are already pressed for time.

          in reply to: Technical Difficulties #4152

            I had some annoying glitches where the screen would freeze in between changing questions or the summary question navigator wouldn’t load and then froze my screen again.  Fall 2020 I didn’t have any issues.

            Did you get a case number from Pearson and file anything with the CAS?

            in reply to: Spring 2021 Exam 6 #3193

              Chugging along.. I am a repeat test taker so I can’t offer up much advice on what worked well to pass – my game plan is to do a quick read through of the material as a refresher (some source, some TIA), pick up on some areas I likely missed points on and just cranking out problems.  I did a good amount of problems last time, but not as many in excel as I would have liked.  For me I need to work on speed and, while this may seem obvious, just how to approach/frame responses and answer questions in excel (for the calculation questions in particular).  I for one and someone who remembers things by repeatedly writing it out; in excel, it’s just different muscle memory.

              in reply to: Company Study Time #3188

                Someone on reddit did a survey not too long ago.  The thread/results link are here:

                in reply to: Exam 6, Fall 2015 exam question #3130

                  I think every exam has it’s quirks, but either way it is annoying.  I realized last sitting I was assuming the old range for one of the IRIS ratios – thankfully noticed before the exam!

                  in reply to: Exam 6, Fall 2015 exam question #3128

                    Hopefully you pass this sitting and it’s a non-issue, but I would say just make sure to look at the latest syllabus to see which papers were added/removed/updated.  The CAS doesn’t go back and update the old exam questions for the latest syllabus so that is a risk for sure if you are pulling the exams straight from the website.  TIA does update their questions/solutions to reflect the changes as far as I am aware, so I think you should be okay so long as you are using the latest version.

                    in reply to: Exam 6, Fall 2015 exam question #3125

                      Hi Number34 – I am not sure what manual you are using, and if this is your first go around for 6.  The 15% is/was for the proration provision.  Last sitting it was 15%.  It looks like now it’s 25%.  (You asking this question actually helped me so thanks!)

                      in reply to: Pearson VUE Sitting Availability #3089

                        As part of my latest morning routine, I looked on Pearson for spots just now and I was able to find something in NYC (a few locations had openings).  Either they opened more spots up, or as of yesterday a lot of people cancelled their registration.  Either way, keep looking I guess and hope for the best!

                        in reply to: Pearson VUE Sitting Availability #3046

                          I emailed the CAS today and received a response.  They are keeping track of candidates who are unable to get a space.  You can add yourself to the list by emailing  I am not sure what will come of it, but surely they will need to make some accommodations.  In addition to this list, I was also advised to look outside of my local area.  Not that I have any intentions of crossing multiple state lines for this exam, but for fun I looked in the entire Northeast and was not able to find anything.  Florida did have some openings though!

                          in reply to: Pearson VUE Sitting Availability #3015

                            Seems logical to me.  Sadly, logic and the CAS don’t seem to go hand in hand.

                            in reply to: Pearson VUE Sitting Availability #3007

                              Yeah this is a bit ridiculous and likely to get worse once 7 and 9 results come out.  Unless magically a bunch of spots open up when people start changing whatever exam they originally registered for.

                              Unfortunately we are competing with other organizations as well.  In theory if the CAS extends the window to make room for us all to take the exam, will that extend the grading process?  Just puts us back in the same position as this sitting and shortens the study window for the fall.

                              in reply to: Spring 2021 Exam 5 Discussion Thread #2990

                                I can’t schedule mine either and also emailed them.  Very frustrating.

                                in reply to: Pearson VUE Sitting Availability #2984

                                  Can’t find anything in NYC.  Not very reassuring.

                                  in reply to: Pearson VUE Email for Setting Appointment #2982

                                    I just got an email after registering on Thursday.

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